• Question: What was it like working with NASA??

    Asked by nb123 to Neil on 12 Mar 2014.
    • Photo: Neil Bowles

      Neil Bowles answered on 12 Mar 2014:

      Day to day its the same as working with the other engineers here, though the weather in southern California is better. Mind you, the beach near where Alexander works for ESA is nice.

      I’ve worked mainly with two NASA labs: the Goddard Space Flight Center near Washington DC on the east coast of the US and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory on the west coast. Its like working in many engineering/high-tech places, its just that you turn the corner after lunch and someone may be testing a Mars rover in the Mars yard (looks a bit like the Martian surface with the same rocks and stuff), testing out commands before transmitting them to the rover. I mainly work in robotic exploration, so don’t often meet astronauts.
