• Question: How is light affected by gravity if it cannot bend (as it bends into a black hole) or is it the space around the black hole that bends?

    Asked by mrsheepy to Adam, Alexander, Aron, Jess, Neil on 11 Mar 2014.
    • Photo: Adam Scott

      Adam Scott answered on 11 Mar 2014:

      I’m an engineer, not a physicist, but my understanding is that the ‘spacetime’ around the black hole is bending – this video explains better than I can (try to)

    • Photo: Aron Kisdi

      Aron Kisdi answered on 11 Mar 2014:

      Our current understanding is that it is spacetime that bends. Every object with a mass will bend spacetime but things like stars, black-holes and galaxies will have a very large effect. This can create something called gravitational lens where you can see objects directly behind another object. Of course we are talking very large objects and distances.
      Here is an example:

    • Photo: Neil Bowles

      Neil Bowles answered on 11 Mar 2014:

      Have a look at http://spacewarps.org and see if you can spot where really heavy things in the universe are bending light.
