• Question: do you think that one day they will find a planet that has equal living ability as earth does and if we do would we go live on it? would it be possible to get to this 'planet'

    Asked by jsargent to Jess, Alexander, Adam on 13 Mar 2014.
    • Photo: Jessica Marshall

      Jessica Marshall answered on 13 Mar 2014:

      I think that one probably exists, although we may have to start some of the processes like vegetation, animals if we wanted to live there. The reality is though that this perfect planet is likely to be so far away that we couldn’t get there with today’s technology.

    • Photo: Alexander Finch

      Alexander Finch answered on 13 Mar 2014:

      It will be hard to find one that is “perfect” for us – humans are pretty picky creatures and for most planets there will be something wrong! Maybe it’ll be too hot, too much gravity, not enough water or it’ll have a really bad smell.

      But – humans are also pretty good at living in places that are not perfect for us, using technology to help us. Because we can heat buildings, we can live in really cold places. Engineers can build pipes to get water into a desert area so we could live there. So, if we wanted to, we could live on many planets, like Mars! But Earth is definitely special and it’ll take a long time to find anything even nearly as good – and even then, it’ll be too far away to get too at the moment 🙁
