• Question: Do you know any lunar landing astronauts, like as friends?

    Asked by flabadabadingdong to Adam, Alexander, Aron, Jess, Neil on 12 Mar 2014.
    • Photo: Aron Kisdi

      Aron Kisdi answered on 12 Mar 2014:

      No, I haven’t had the privilege to meet any of them in person, I have only been to the US once when I was very small.
      I have met astronauts who have been to the ISS (International Space Station) and I have really enjoyed talking to Yi So-Yeon who was the first Korean in space.

    • Photo: Neil Bowles

      Neil Bowles answered on 12 Mar 2014:

      Nope, but I’m going to a meeting next week where a couple will be invited speakers and I met Buzz Aldrin once. I’ve had the privilege of working with some of the samples they brought back from the Moon, which was very exciting and quite nerve wracking!

    • Photo: Jessica Marshall

      Jessica Marshall answered on 13 Mar 2014:

      No, not as friends. I have met a lot of astronauts though, including all of one space shuttle crew, and Tim Peake, the UK astronaut. I have also been to the European Astronaut control centre and been in the control room during a space walk which was good.

    • Photo: Alexander Finch

      Alexander Finch answered on 17 Mar 2014:

      No 🙁 I have been in the same room as Neil Armstrong (more than once, in fact) and studied in a building named for him, but that’s not quite the same! I would love to meet them, but I think I’d also like to talk to the engineers who built those early satellites. That’s where the real engineering stories would be 🙂
